Masoud Mahmoudizadeh, M. Sc.
Institut für Mikroverfahrenstechnik (IMVT)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)KIT Campus Nord
Gebäude 605Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
"Development of a compact modular palladium membrane reformer system for autothermal small-scale hydrogen generation"
- The preparation and characterization of highly active catalyst layers for oxidation and methane steam reforming
- Modeling of heat and mass transfer in coupled oxidation/reforming microreactors
- Fabrication and characterization of composite Pd-membranes by suspension plasma spraying
- Design and fabrication of different micromembrane reformer modules
- M. Mahmoudizadeh, A. Irankhah, R. Irankhah, Development of a Replaceable Micro-channel Reformer Coated with Novel CuZnFe Catalyst for Methanol Steam Reforming, Chemical Engineering & Technology, Volume 39, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 322–330.
- M. Mahmoudizadeh, A. Irankhah, R. Irankhah, A Performance Study on Electrocoating Process with CuZnAl Nano-Catalyst for Methanol Steam Reformer: Effect of Time and Voltage, RSC Advances, Volume 6, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 25934-25942.
- A. C. Roshan, A. Irankhah, M. Mahmoudizadeh, H. Arandiyan, Single-Stage Water Gas Shift Reaction over Structural Modified Cu-Ce Catalysts at Medium Temperatures: Synthesis and Catalyst Performance, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 132, 2018, Pages 843-852.
Curriculum Vitae
• Positions and Work Experience
since 10/2019 |
Research assistant of Institute for Micro Process Engineering (IMVT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
09/2012 – 02/2015 |
Student assistant at Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research Laboratory with the objective of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering, University of Kashan, Iran |
05/2011 – 08/2011 | Internship: Utility Unit, Shazand Petrochemical Company (ARPC), Iran |
Research Interests
- Heterogeneous catalysis; synthesis and characterization
- Design, fabrication, and experimental investigation of microreactors
- Catalyst coating in microchannels
- Kinetics of chemical reactions
- Hydrogen-selective composite membranes
- Micro reactor-heat exchangers for hydrogen production
- Mathematical modeling of chemical reactions