The seminars usually take place on Thursdays from 11 a.m. in the large meeting room (201).
Current job offers
for IMVT jobs, Bachelor's Theses, Master's Theses and Student Assistants
Job offers

Prof. Dr-Ing. Christoph Klahn und Mertcan Kaya haben zusammen mit dem BMWK-Verbundvorhaben 3D-PROCESS den Formnext Award 2024 in der Kategorie Design gewonnen.
Im BMWK-Verbundvorhaben 3D-PROCESS entwickeln Forscher und Ingenieure aus den KIT Instituten IMVT, IKFT und ITCP, der FAU, dem Startup Ineratec und den Firmen Evonik und Siemens gemeinsam digitale Arbeitsabläufe und additiv gefertigte Lösungen, die den Ressourceneinsatz und Energiebedarf reduzieren. Die Kreativität und Expertise der Partner führte zu mehreren additiv gefertigten Komponenten für die Feinchemie und Methanolsynthese.
Additive Fertigung ist ein Schlüssel zu innovativen Konzepten in der chemischen Prozesstechnik, die auf anderem Weg nicht erreichbar sind. Die Projektpartner haben die Vielseitigkeit und Leistungsfähigkeit der Additiven Fertigung in der chemischen Prozesstechnik gezeigt. Dies hat sowohl die Experten-Jury als auch das Publikum der FORMNEXT überzeugt. Die Formnext ist die europäische Leitmesse für die Additive Fertigung und findet jährlich Ende November in Frankfurt statt.
3D-PROCESS ist gefördert durch die Bundesrepublik Deutschland Zuwendungsgeber: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages.

The IMVT was represented in large numbers at this year's International Conference on Microreaction Technology in Graz, where current research in areas such as flow chemistry, electrochemistry, automated and modular systems was combined with the core topic of microstructured apparatus.
Two doctoral students from the institute contributed to the program with presentations: Till Peters with the topic "Integration of H2O2 direct synthesis, additively manufactured static mixers and catalytic microreactors" and Sijia Liu with "Opportunities and potential of glass additive manufacturing technology in flow chemistry". Prof. Roland Dittmeyer gave a keynote lecture entitled "Micro Process Technology for Decentralized Power-to-X Applications". Several colleagues also presented their posters on Monday evening, with Anselm Dreher receiving first prize in the Poster Awards for his poster entitled "Cost and energy efficient photoreactors for solar hydrogen production".

Researchers at KIT are working on concepts for a stable, economical and climate-friendly energy supply.
"When we talk about energy security, it's not just about electricity. The electricity sector currently only covers around 20 percent of our final energy consumption. The remaining 80 percent are mainly material energy sources such as petroleum products, natural gas, biomass and coal, as well as some district heating. So there is still a lot of work ahead of us," says Prof. Dittmeyer in the interview. Further information can be found on pages 22-25 in the link below. This is linked to the lookKIT magazine.
Link zum Magazin lookKIT
Mery Hernandez Maya won a „best poster” prize in the conference: 3rd International Conference on Unconventional Catalysis, Reactors and Applications. The event gathered people from all over the world, bringing together interdisciplinary research and development on non-traditional catalysis and applications in industrial reactors which are expanding into new areas, such as health, personal protection, climate and energy. Mery Hernandez Maya participated with a part of my PhD topic on “Coaxial microwave plasma reactor for continuous production of H2O2 with water and argon”. The poster was attractive to many colleagues working on clean energy synthesis of chemicals.

On 15.09.2024, the four-person running team led by Prof. Roland Dittmeyer successfully participated at the Baden Marathon. With a great passion for sport, the team members completed their respective distances: two runners covered 13 kilometers each, while the other two ran 8 kilometers each. Together, they completed the full marathon distance of 42 kilometers. Over 8,000 runners took part in the event, making it a fantastic day of teamwork and joy for running.
In the enPower podcast, Prof. Dr. Roland Dittmeyer talks about the following topic: "What are carbon cycles? Which industries will still need carbon in the future? And where will it come from - from the air, from biomass or from exhaust gases?"
This episode was recorded at the Copernicus Symposium in Berlin.
Link Podcast
On 10.09.2024 Prof. Dr. Roland Dittmeyer hosted the DACStorE Information Day in the foyer of the Zeiss Innovation Hub. It was a successful event that brought visibility to the topic. There were exciting presentations by:
- Maike Schmidt, ZSW
- Patrick Behr, FZJ
- Lutong Lu, KIT
- Steffen Garbe, Phlair
- Thomas Schöb, FZJ
Guests from Bosch, DACMA GmbH and Worley also took part. A detailed overview can be found in the link below.
Information and registration form
At this year's KIT Championship on July 13, 2024, the "Power2Run" team, led by Prof. Dr. Roland Dittmeyer, achieved an impressive 15th place in the team ranking.
In pleasant weather and with the applause of many spectators, the motivated participants ran the 10 km course around the South Campus, through the Hardtwald, and back to the KIT Stadium.
The Vice President of KIT, Professor Dr. Alexander Wanner, warmly congratulated all participants on their impressive performances. Congratulations to all participants and the individual winners!
A big thank you to the organizers of the run

Two ideas from researchers at the Institute of Micro Process Engineering made it into the top 10 in this year's NEULAND innovation competition: A joint fifth place was secured by the ideas for "Efficient electrical reduction of CO2 - Directly convert CO2 into valuable C3+ products via electricity"(S. Zhong, P. Holtappels, R. Dittmeyer) and the "Development of highly efficient and cost-effective photoreactors for the production of solar hydrogen"(A. Dreher, P. Kant, M. Rubin, R. Dittmeyer). A great motivation and confirmation of our research and development work on the way to a green and CO2-neutral future.
Congratulations also to the three winners on the podium: "VisioPrinTech", "RareCycle" and "HoStaBau".