Continuous electrosynthesis (CES)

Electrocatalytic production of sustainable fuels and chemicals


The group "Continuous Electrosynthesis" addresses the electrification of chemical reactions to produce valuable, top-quality chemicals such as fuels and basic chemicals for chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Electrochemical processes such as electrolysis and electrodialysis will be examined and developed further to design efficient and sustainable processes.






Projects at CES the projects cover the synthesis and examine new materials, specially through highly automated screening methods, manufacturing the components for electrochemical cells and testing these cells in electrochemical reactors both in lab-scale (up to square centimeter) and pilot-scale (up to square meter).


Our projects contribute to process development and intensification for power-to-x technologies and lay the foundation for development of pilot and demonstration plants.

Contact Peter Holtappels



Sustainable Photochemistry and Photocatalysis for Solar Energy Conversion

Photocatalytic reforming for hydrogen evolution is a sustainable process to convert solar energy into carbon-free clean fuel. We are focusing on developing and investigating highly efficient photocatalytic (photoelectrocatalytic) platforms for the production of fuels and renewable feedstocks.  



  • Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction in a micro flow reactor
  • Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution from Photocatalytic Water splitting (BMBF project FPortSolH2 relates with “Solar Hydrogen”)


Contact: Jinju Zhang