Kay Marcel Dyrda, M. Sc.
- Doctoral Researcher
- Gas / liquid phase separation and contacting
- group: LIQ
- room: 308
- phone: +49 721 608-23430
- kay dyrda ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Institut für Mikroverfahrenstechnik (IMVT)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
KIT Campus Nord
Gebäude 605
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
“Experimental investigation and modelling of the gas / liquid phase separation and contacting using a membrane / microsieve based micro contactor”
Doctoral supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Dittmeyer
Project: Development of a compact µDMFC module with integrated separation system (IGF)
Funding: IGF, AiF, BMWi
- Experimental investigation of phase separation / contacting in membrane based micro contactors
- Microsieve functionalization by different coating methods for phase separation and contacting
- Dynamic investigation of the phase separation with a micro contactor in a µDMFC system
- Process simulation and micro contactor modeling for phase separation and contacting
Presentations and Talks
- K. M. Dyrda, K. Haas-Santo, R. Dittmeyer
Development of a microsieve based micro contactir for gas / liquid phase separation (Talk),
10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 01st – 05th October 2017, Barcelona, Spain - K. M. Dyrda, K. Haas-Santo, R. Dittmeyer
Development of a microsieve based micro contactir for gas / liquid phase separation for a compact µDMFC module (Poster + Talk),
Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Mikroverfahrenstechnik, 09th March 2017, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - V. Lukassek, S. Gorelkov, K. M. Dyrda, V. Rose, S. Burgmann, K. Haas-Santo, J. Wartmann, R. Dittmeyer, U. Giese, A. Heinzel
Entwicklung eines kompakten µDMFC-Moduls mit integrierter Stofftrennung (Poster),
Workshop der AiF-Brennstoffzellen-Allianz im Zentrum für BrennstoffzellenTechnik (ZBT), 21st June 2016, Duisburg, Germany - K. M. Dyrda, K. Haas-Santo, R. Dittmeyer
Investigation of the gas/liquid phase separation in a non-stationary system like portable µDMFC system using a micro contactor (Talk),
Cooperation Workshop between Karlsruher Institute of Technology and University of Twente, 02nd June 2016, Enschede, Netherlands - K. M. Dyrda, K. Haas-Santo, R. Dittmeyer
Influence of hydrophobic / hydrophilic surfaces on gas / liquid phase separation (Poster + Talk),
Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Agglomeration- und Schüttguttechnik, mehrphasenströmung und Computional Fluid Dynamics, 29th February – 2nd March 2016, Bingen am Rhein, Germany - K. M. Dyrda, K. Haas-Santo, R. Dittmeyer
Influence of hydrophobic / hydrophilic surfaces on gas / liquid phase separation (Poster),
Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Mikroverfahrenstechnik, 14th September 2015, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - K. M. Dyrda, K. Haas-Santo, R. Dittmeyer
Influence of hydrophobic / hydrophilic surfaces on gas / liquid phase separation (Poster),
Jahrestreffen der Fachgemeinschaft Fluiddynamik und Trenntechnik, 08th-11th September 2015, Bamberg, Germany
Curriculum Vitae
• Academic Education
03/2013 |
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Energy and Process Technology, TH Bingen, Bingen am Rhein, Germany |
Bachelor Thesis: Containment systems in the pharmaceutical industry - Capture, evaluation and guideline development, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany | |
06/2015 |
Master of Science (M. Sc.) Chemical Engineering, HS Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany |
Master Thesis: Characterization of milli-reactors with regard to their residence time behaviour - optimization, execution and validation of the experimental determination, BASF SE, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany |
• Professional Background
09/2004-01/2008 | Apprentice (Chemical Technician), BASF SE, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany |
02/2008-07/2008 | Chemical Technician, BASF SE, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany |
09/2012-12/2012 | Intern, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany |
04/2013-09/2013 | Project Engineer, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany |
09/2014-12/2014 | Intern, BASF SE, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany |
since 07/2015 | Doctoral Researcher, IMVT, KIT, Germany |
Research Interests
• Experimental investigation of phase separation / contacting in membrane based micro contactors
• Microsieve functionalization by different coating methods for phase separation and contacting
• Dynamic investigation of the phase separation with a micro contactor in a µDMFC system
• Process simulation and micro contactor modeling for phase separation and contacting
type | topic | worker | time |
Bachelorthesis | Dynamic investigation of the phase separation with a micro contactor in a µDMFC system | open position | by arrangement |
Masterthesis | Preparation, characterization and investigation of hydrophobic coatings for metallic micro sieves for gas/liquid phase separation in a microcontactor | Fabian Grinschek | running |
Bachelorthesis | Characterization of the separation efficiency of CO2 from a two-phase flow for different polymer based membranes in a micro contactor | Vincent Wilke | finished 11/16-12/16 |
Masterthesis | Investigation of CO2 solubility in water-methanol mixture and separation from the solution considering the vapor-liquid equilibrium using system modeling and experiments | Chetan Martin | finished 05/16 - 12/16 |
type | topic | worker | time |
Student Assistance | Experimental investigation of gas / liquid phase contacting in an aqueous system using a microsieve based micro contactor | Fabian Grinschek | running |
Student Assistance | Liquid loss with and without Multiphase flow, Liquid loss with and without sweep gas, determination of the active membrane area during separation process | Vincent Wilke | running |
Student Assistance | Membrane resistance tests, Membrane surface study with SEM, Multiphase flow detection with UV/VIS | Philipp Rech | finished 09/16-09/16 |