Automation of fluid mechanics optimization of an additively manufactured microreactor for MeOH synthesis using CFD methods

  • chair:
  • place:

    Master's or Bachelor's Thesis

  • faculty / division:


  • institute:


  • starting date:


  • Kontaktperson:

    Kaya, Mertcan

Background and motivation

A process engineering apparatus is optimized through development cycles. During the development phase of such devices, most of the time is spent on the simulations. Moreover, the computational time of these simulations has increased tremendously due to the manufacturability of complex structures by additive manufacturing. In this master thesis, a fluid mechanical optimization of an automatically designed reactor is performed using CFD methods. The model should be flexible
enough to work even if the reactor is modified.


The tasks within the scope of the position are:

  • Literature review on automated CFD simulations and determination of reasonable boundary conditions
  • Parameter study for fluid mechanical simulations of the MeOH reactor
  • Linking of automated model development and simulation
  • Development of a fast and automated simulation concept
  • Working with CFD software such as StarCCM+ or Ansys Fluent
  • Interpretation of the simulation results

  • Students of chemical engineering, process engineering, chemistry, mechanical engineering or similar.
  • Basic knowledge in fluid mechanical modeling
  • Experience in CFD software desirable, but not required

This thesis can be written in German or English. At the end of the thesis, the results will be presented in an institute seminar

Beginning of the thesis: As soon as possible
Assignment: Prof. Christoph Klahn
Supervisor: M.Sc. Mertcan Kaya
Contact: mertcan.kaya∂